Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Greatest Day

Okay, the greatest days of my life, were my wedding, the birth of my kids, etc. But yesterday was pretty freakin' cool. It started at 8am, meeting at Kevin's house and then driving to Chicago with a few of my favorite people. We went to the Cubs-Reds game. The Cubs sucked it up (not a huge suprise), but we had GREAT seats, sitting in the 1st row of bleachers in left-center. It was a perfect day to be sitting in the ballpark and just chillin' with some friends. Then, after fighting the traffic all the way across town during rush hour, we arrived at the Tweeter Center to see George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic open for the Dave Matthews Band. Here's a couple of concert thoughts.
  • We had pretty decent seats. We were in the pavilion, so that's pretty good.
  • We had the funniest dancing, middle-aged guy two rows in front of us. (hopefully, I'll be able to post video soon) Just sitting here thinking about him makes me laugh!
  • George Clinton was dissappointing. I was looking forward to it, but it was just too muddy, seeing as how there were about 15 musicians on stage. Like Hite said, it was better than no one being on the stage! (Plus he was wearing a diaper -- you just don't see that every day!)
  • DMB was pretty sweet. It was a pretty strong set (you can see it here -- just select Sept. 15, 2006), and I got to see some songs performed that I hadn't seen in previous concerts.
  • DMB had some of the P-Funk horn section join them for some songs, and it was awesome. Jimmy Thing turned into an extended jam with horns that was pretty awesome!
  • The set was amazing -- I don't even know how to describe it, except that it was quite the show!
  • I'm getting too old for the whole "concert atmosphere thing"

So, today, I'm pretty tired. We got back to Slettens at about 2am, and then I went to Wal-Mart to get flowers for my wife and donuts for my boys. Then I had to take a shower before bed to get the smell of cigarettes & pot out of my hair, so I eventually tumbled into bed around 2:45, which is much later than this old man is used to! It was a great day!


Leslie said...

1st off I can't explain how jealous I am that I am not a guy and couldn't go with you. Second off I hope all the 'pot smell' came out.. haha I laughed out loud when I read that. Have a great day and get some sleep party animal!

Anonymous said...

That set looks pretty decent. Although I have fallen in love with Stay or Leave and would have been disappointed not to hear it! :)

I too am quite jealous of the greatest day!

Anonymous said...

I don’t think I could be more jealous. I couldn’t plan a better day than that.

While I wouldn’t choose too many of those songs if I would put together an ideal playlist, I would have loved to hear granny live. How did George Clinton sound? He had got to be just slightly older than dirt. And good lord, I can’t imagine how long a jam would go on with DMB and P-funk.

Anonymous said...

happy talk like a pirate day - arggg!

charlesdean2 said...

Take Jimmy Thing...add the horns from p-funk and you run just about 20 minutes.

Honestly it was hard to George Clinton...with all 15 musicians on stage, it was really muddy -- just WAY too much going on!

Anonymous said...

And when you say "musicians", you mean that in the most liberal sense of the word. Granted, the horn section and drummer(s) were quality, but does the guy in the bright white pants without a shirt and sputnik-sized white floppy hat climbing on top of the speakers to dance in a suggestive manner count as a "musician"?... I think not.
