Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Someone out there...

I've heard a rumor that someone who regularly reads this blog, may have driven his/her car into a rather large puddle (dare I say a small pond), thereby floooding his car, perhaps totalling it. A better accounting of the story could be posted, so other faithful readers will have the truth. You know who you are!


Anonymous said...

We all have watched the news where some white trash people are pushing their car out of 2 ft deep water in torential rain and have thought....what idiots? Why not just stay home in that weather or back up and go down a different street? Well, come to find out, both of these options would be good ones but driving through the water is not a good decision. Yes, I have a locked up engine, totalled vehicle, and can't believe I have ruined my favorie car ever. All in the name of delivering pizza...don't forget to tip your delivery drivers well (they may have to buy a new car just to bring you dinner). I may prefer to remain anonymous for the time being....
PS my wife would love a "shout-out" in your next video blog!

Anonymous said...

Hey anon-

I've heard the story and I can picture you staring down that water and saying, "Dude, I can do this." What a sad loss for your family. That was a great car, smooth leather seats, tinted windows so no one can see you.... well.. anyway.


charlesdean2 said...

Well told! Well told!
I'm make sure she's in my next video blog.