Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Why I Won't See United 93

First off, even though my blog is a benevolent dictatorship of my own thoughts, passions and mental excursions, I like to engage (once in a while) in a healthy, well rounded debate. So before I post on this, if you like to hear Chris' take (which is opposite of mine), you can read his comments here, here and here -- what can I say? He's prolific! I was mowing my yard yesterday, with the headphones on and at the top of the hour the news came on, and they reported that Universal Studios had donated $1 to the United Flight 93 memorial fund. Apparenlty the studio had promised 10% of it's opening weekend revenue to the fund. Here are my two-and-a-half objections to the movie. 1. It feels dirty to me that some movie execs, actors, directors, etc. stand to make a load of cash out of this movie. Despite all the talk about this being an "important" film, I don't trust that Hollywood is that altruistic. The bottom line in Hollywood is profit. If it won't make somebody rich, Hollywood won't do it. Don't think for a minute that this film was made out of patriotic duty, or out of obligation to the families or any of the other nonsense that it's being promoted as. (ps: donating a measly $1 doesn't get any points with me either -- what doesn't that represent -- less than 1% of total profits? I'm not impressed.) If this really is an altruistic/patriotic venture for the movie studio, then let's make it a non-profit film -- there's a novel idea! 2. While I do think that some movies are important movies that shed important light on historical events (e.g. Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, etc.), I think there is a delicacy that's is demanded but seldom respected by the media/Hollywoods/publishing industry. This is a pastoral bent I have, but I remember Columbine where kids are crying their eyes out and in their moment of deepest grief, cameras where being pushed into their faces. 2.5. I'm revolting against some radio talk show hosts, pundits, writers etc. who would dare question my patriotism because I won't go see this movie. This issue could really heat me up, but I can be anti-war, anti-Bush, and not see this movie, and yet love the country I live in. In fact, I love my country in part because I CAN have the opinions I have. Rant over.


Anonymous said...

i agree on some degree that you shouldn't see the movie. it does dredge up all of the emotions of that day, which for some of us were very intense as we tried to get ahold of friends in cities that had been attacked or were thought to be targets.
however i did see the movie, opening weekend (so the news that they didn't donate the money REALLY ticks me off!!! i made special arrangements to see it that weekend for that very reason!!). it made me sick, actually, i threw up in the parking lot. so if you haven't totally dealt with your feelings from that day or are close to those who were witnesses and are still struggeling to sleep through the night (a friend from college) or were personally effected don't see it.
it is a very intense movie, unlike anything we have ever seen. it is something we all saw happen (thanks to our media and the way they report news--that is a whole other long comment though--i agree about Columbine). also i was dissapointed that they do not pay tribute to the actual victims of that flight, they have a blanket statement at the end like "dedicated to the victims of 9/11/01".
if you are curious and can talk about 9/11 without gettting angry or upset go for it. i thought it was a good representation of what happened and liked the fact it was done in real time.

Chris said...

Sorry to use your blog to coment to Dan, Charlie but of course I disagree.

Dan, when was the last time you prayed and thanked God for your freedom that you have? I don't mean to make this personal, because I can honestly admit that it is not very often that I think of freddom and am thankful for it. We take it for granted because we've always had it. This movie is a reminder that people have to pay for freedom because outsiders (terrorists) hate the fact that we are free to do and think just about anything we want. This movie portrays a horrific event, certainly. But my point is that in a world that is so driven by money, family, career success, etc, we forget about what it means to be an American. Politics aside, what percentage of Americans do you think actually, really understand and value their freedom? I know for me, most of the time I don't give a rip.

Anonymous said...

i disagree too, i saw the movie, and i enjoyed it...not because i am basking in the tragedy or because i like seeing those things happen to innocent people. But because it reminded me how lucky i am to have this freedom. I'm fine with you not wanting to see it, but i don't think you'd regret it if you did.