Saturday, August 13, 2005

Session Nine: Bill Hybels

Okay, we've gotten to the end. POWERFUL drama. It's a continuation of a series from Summits past about a pastor and his struggles. This time he was ready to resign due to all the criticisms but in the end balks when he's given a letter from someone whose life is being changed by his ministry. (I cry almost every year at Summit, and I thought I'd be except this year...but I got a tear.) I could write a lot about the drama, but Bill's talking. Bill is giving a passionate appeal to people to make an effort every year to attend Summit because he believes that it is CRITICAL to stop at least once a year a plot, strategize, rethink, etc. His talk is called "These Things We Must Do," and he's laying out four fundamental ideas in regards to leadership.
  1. KEEP THE VISION CLEAR -- When the vision is unclear, shoulders sag, people start infighting and many just get lethargic and stop caring. Great leaders prepare for vision talks like a prize-fighter prepares for a title bout.
  2. GET THE PEOPLE INVOLVED -- Nehemiah 4:6 ["So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart."] Great leaders understand the power of ownership. "The only kind of leaders that people want to follow are the kind that have a fire burning inside them."
  3. MAKE YOUR GATHERINGS MEMORABLE -- create great church services. Work so hard to make your gatherings so valuable that people kick themselves when they miss them.
  4. PACE YOURSELF FOR THE LONG HAUL -- 1 cor. 9:25 -- check out this book that Bill is talking about -- it's about a guy who runs extreme marathons. Can you take a time out to reflect on how you got yourself so worn out?

This is a good talk...similar to last year's final talk.

Well, that's it! Hope to see you next year at Leadership Summit 2006.

1 comment:

Mark O Wilson said...

Great insights here. Thanks for recording it. I was unable to attend the summit this year -- and your synopsis of Bill's talk was very helpful.