Friday, January 19, 2007

How are babies made?

Caleb: Mommy, how will the baby come out?

Jen: Do you really want to know, Caleb?

Caleb: Yeah, I really want to know.

Jen: Well, there's two ways...aunt Andrea had Elsa the way where they cut across her stomach and the doctor takes the baby out. Mommy did it the other way. Where I pushed the baby out through a hole called the vagina...kinda down by my pee-pee. It hurts and it's hard to push it out.

Caleb: Woah! I'm so glad I'm a boy!

Jen: Yeah...that's nice.

Caleb (looking at Gavin): Well, someday we're going to have to build houses, so I guess it's fair!

From a week the middle of a wrestling match...

Caleb: Daddy, you know what? (as he rubs his cheek) I think my beard is coming in.


Anonymous said...

Did Jen approve of this post? As for me, I about gagged when you gave details. I guess it's better than actually seeing it.

charlesdean2 said...

yes, she stood over my shoulder...

JGanschow said...

oh my. oh dear.

i don't know what else to say.

Deaver said...

Oh puleeze. VAGINA. Let's all say it together...VAGINA. All better now? :-P

ps. That was such a cute story!

Chris said...

sheer comedic brilliance...

charlesdean2 said...

Deaver...thank you...our sentiments exactly!!