Monday, December 18, 2006

What Think Ye?

On friday night, Jennifer and I went to a restaurant significantly out of our price range, because someone had re-gifted us a gift certificate. So we found ourselves at Seven in Peoria Heights.
Anyway, I was settled on the Steak Diane when the waiter started in with the specials. One of the specials was grilled Buffalo. It wasn't cheap, but I've always wanted to try Buffalo. So I ordered it.
It was not good. It wasn't the preperation. Seven is a great restaurant. It was the Buffalo. I had it cooked medium rare and it was still just so tough and chewy, that I didn't finish it. (I can't remember the last time that I went into a restaurant for dinner and didn't finish the meal because I didn't like it.)
So anyway, Jennifer asked me if I regretted not getting the Steak Diane. I said 'no' because even though it wasn't good, I got to try something I've always wanted to try. But on the other hand...I wish I would have had a good meal at a restaurant that I may never be able to afford again!
What do you think...would you have played it safe and stuck with the beef, or would you have gone with the Buffalo?


Screwtape said...

I'm sorry to hear that you did not like Buffalo. It is one of my favorite meats. You might have wanted to try it well done on your first time with it as the cooking process breaks down the connective tissues that makes it chewy and since Buffalo is soo flavorful, you don't loose as much as if you have a steak well done.

JGanschow said...

Tatanka. I had buffalo once in Minnesota and it was really good. Maybe you should have ordered a tender, young calf instead of a tough old bull.

charlesdean2 said...

good advice, both of ya...

I won't give up easily...if it was good enough for Lewis & Clark, it's good enough for me!!

Anonymous said...

I would have still gone with the buffalo, cause then you can later feel cool that you ate buffalo long after you've digested it all.

I personally prefer the wings of the buffalo, those are much better.

Screwtape said...

What does Tatanka mean?

charlesdean2 said...

tatanka is indian for buffalo -- or so says Kevin Costner in Dances with Wolves