Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Ellen vs. Oprah

Monday is my day off. So occasionally, no matter how embarrassed I am to admit it, I watch Dr. Phil. And even more difficult to admit, I sometimes watch Oprah. But recently, I've been more and more attracted to a different kind of show. So here's the question...please answer and tell us why... ELLEN or OPRAH?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Definitely Ellen. By far way funnier. She amuses me to no end.

Chris said...

unfortunately I must admit...Ellen Is hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

Ever get that idea you want to sprint in to a concreate wall head first?

Anonymous said...

Please say its not so...

I struggle with Ms Oprah for two reasons



(watch the video)

Maybe #2 is an over reaction, but make you wonder about a person who has more influence thany possibly any one else in the US of A

Anonymous said...

Oprah is NOT an interviewer! she just has people on and talks about her opinion. I am not an Oprah fan!!
I have never watched Ellen, i can imagine she is funny.