Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Why be Great? (2)

Regarding THIS post. Let me back up...I think that maybe terms need to be redefined. Forget "bringing business ideas into the church." Forget greatness as an end goal. I see how someone could see what I wrote and think of "greatness" as arrogant an self-serving. But I really don't mean this. "Greatness," in my opinion is not something you's something people bestow upon you...and in the case of Christianity it's something that God decides about you ("well done, good and faithful servant"). I think that many business ideas are good, but we have to remember that in a business profits and stock price are the bottom line (obviously not compatible with kingdom values). So therefore, let me restate my the ideas from my previous post in a different way. What I'm really talking about is excellence -- doing everything the absolute best I know how. And so when that comes to church, I work to create the best sermons I know how, I try to serve people as best as I know how, I try to manage the people that work for me the best I know how, I try to counsel people as best as I know how. It's not because I want to be great, or that I'm trying to maximize profits -- it's that anything less is dishonoring to God. I know I'm not saying this very well...but I was thinking about the alternative -- that is to say, what if I didn't strive for excellence/greatness? Do I not spell check programs Do I treat staff badly? Do I counsel people out of my ignorance? Of course this is a little bit of a "straw man" argument...but I guess I just don't know what it means not to strive for excellence.


David Rudd said...

is excellence always the same as best?

maybe there are contexts in which doing something "good enough" is still excellent...

i wonder if sometimes people mistake being excellent for being competitive. i think excellence means doing something to the best of my ability within the context of which i am doing it... in other words, i might not always put my entire energy toward something because i've made a "wise" decision not to focus my all in that area. but if i give my best in the amount i'm giving, it can still be excellent even if it is only someone else's good enough...

whoops. bit of a ramble. sorry.

charlesdean2 said...

great thoughts David!

"good enough" for good reason is still excellent