Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A2: Community Impact Bullpen Discussion

Legacies (father-son) in the kingdom are a beautiful thing. What are 2 or 3 things passed on from your father to you?
  • his optimism for ministry -- he spoke so well about people in the church
  • he was my best friend
how did you grow up in a suburban church and get jazzed? literally it was to survive -- suburban ministry just wouldn't work in LA how do you approach funding? I'm the product of my dad's success for one -- that's helped raise money to do a 24/7 church -- you can do it with whatever you can now -- do one thing and do it well we told the story every single day -- we've looked for funding everywhere. gov't funding is dangerous because it comes with strings attached (peope to hire, no gospel, etc.) how do you start? momentum creates funding START -- money follows ministry (by the way -- pastor King at Riverside said something similar to this, when I heard him speak at the last Related Leaders) start once a month...twice a month...once a week...get the ball rolling as a pastor, you have to tell have to be a storyteller Comment from Bill & Jim Mellado -- they (dream center) are so simple...their vision is simple and everyone buys it which makes it so strong from an organizational perspective -- "SEE A NEED, MEET A NEED" there's a lot of "nuts & bolts" discussion going on about Adopt-a-Block that I'm not putting here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"see a need, meet a need" - I wish I could impress upon my home church the way that this simple, yet profound, idea is exactly what a church needs to grow. Seems like so many times churches are worried about how to do this and that, when what they should be concerned about are the needs of the people and within the church and community.