Friday, December 15, 2006

SKIson's Greetings

"It's a bold move -- to Photoshop yourself into a picture of your girlfriend, her kids and her ex-husband and send it as your Christmas card." But Michael's a bold guy... bold the right word?" -- Jim


David Rudd said...

"requesting permission to be considered for the validation committee" -- D.Schrute

charlesdean2 said...

ummm...permission denied.

JGanschow said...

Michael: "See her over there? That's my girl."

Roy: "Which one?"

Michael: " of those two. You know how all...waitresses look alike."

JGanschow said...

Michael: "I marked her arm."

charlesdean2 said...

Dwight: Why don't you just download it?

Michael: I don't need to download it. I just need a taste.

Anonymous said...

"Come on, we're going to Asian Hooters!" - Michael

Anonymous said...

I miss the days when there was only one party I didn't want to go to. -Ryan

viclyn said...

Can you please keep it down, I'm in session.

Destroy phone.