Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I love books.
I think if you've been reading my blog for any amount of time, you probably know that.
I'm in a slump. I'm looking for a book that will challenge my soul. I have no problem downing novels like and ice-cold b....soda. I've read a bunch of leadership stuff. I just haven't read anything in a while, that has really made me fall in love with Jesus all over again.
I'm thinking about pulling an old book off the shelf, unless someone else has a great idea!
[just to save time...i've read all the Donald Miller/Brian McLaren/Philip Yancey/John Ortberg stuff, and I've also perused all the RELEVANT releases.]
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If you are into apologetics and like delving into some deep scientific-type stuff (yeah, i'm a science nerd), Lee Stroebel's books are good. I've read Case of Christ and Case for a Creator. They are not an easy read, but they get the wheels turning and examine both the evidence of the existance of God but also the claims of Christ. groovy.
thanks Justin!
Yeah, I've read them...I'm looking for something a little less "intellectual" and something a little more "spiritual"
just an interesting side note: one of my professors -- Craig Blomberg was highlighted in 2 chapters of The Case for Christ.
I would put "Under the Overpass" by Mike Yankowski on my must read list.
My copy has been read by about 8 different people and all of them have reported some kind of spiritual conviction from it.
I just finished reading Flashbang: How I Got Over Myself by Mark Steele. It was a hilarious read and packs a powerful spiritual punch as well. You're welcome to borrow it if you'd like :-)
This is the whole problem...
I've read both of these!
Under the Overpass is VERY convicting!
I almost wet myself reading Flashbang!
Thanks for the input though guys!!
Right now, I'm leaning towards pulling an "old" book off the shelf!! Although I may read Out of the Question into the Mystery by Leonard Sweet. I'm going to a 1-day conference w/ Sweet in Aug., so I probably ought to read some stuff!!
Bro! When I am looking for books to speak to my soul I go straight to the shelf - the ones I would pick off my shelf would be The Signature of Jesus, or Abba's Child by Brennan Manning, The Return of the Prodigal Son and Out of Solitude by Nouwen, Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawerence, The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer, Intimate Moments with the Savior by Ken name a few bro!!!!!
Letters to the Thirsty by Edward Miller. A little-known book - but profound.
Dan -- YES! I'm heading that way!
Scapegoat (still loving your handle! -- at least i know who you are!!) -- I'm intrigued!
I would recommend (if you haven't read them already) - The Jesus Creed by Scot McKnight, Embracing Grace by McKnight or Turning to Jesus: The Sociology of Conversion in the Gospels. Especially the first two and primarily the first will make you think and rethink about Jesus and who he was and what he was will haunt a good way.
thanks anon!
I'll put them on my list!
Amen to Scot McKnight!
You probably know what I am going to say....Nouwen, Nouwen, Nouwen.
Also, two social issue books that I think would convict your spirit even though they are not "spiritual" are "Home from Nowhere: Remaking Our Everday World for the 21st Century" by James Howard Kunstler [about New Urbanism and alternatives to suburban sprawal] and "There Are No Children Here" by Alex Kotlowitz [about two boys growing up in chicago's projects].
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