Friday, May 12, 2006

On Addiction

I'm a Christian... I'm not addicted to alcohol. I don't smoke (but maybe a cigar once a year). I'm not addicted to prescription drugs. I don't wear shirts that show my belly or expose my thong. But this morning I've drank just over half a pot of coffee without flinching. Anyone got a problem with that?
(hint: we probably should!)


JGanschow said...

i definitely do. i can't function properly in the morning unless i have a cup of coffee. i literally can not perform routine tasks or i put files in the wrong place, etc.
hey, at least it's better than crack.

charlesdean2 said...

that's going to be my new refrain...,
"at least it's better than crack."

You're awesome!

Chris said...

This is my #1 argument against those who tell me drinking is a sin. I let themknow that drinking coffee speeds up their heart and that caffeine in LARGE QUANTITIES is really bad for you!

That being said...I love coffee!!

Anonymous said...

Ever get headaches from caffiene withdrawl? I do. Do you suppose that's God's way of telling me to lay off?

I once saw a sign on a coffee maker that said "Instant human served here." How sad, but true.

Dan Luebcke said...

I love the delectable bean! In the words of Dr. Grounds, "The coffee bean is the greatest proof for the existence of God, brother!"

David Rudd said...

i'm a little disturbed that there seems to be an insinuation that you wear a thong...


charlesdean2 said...
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charlesdean2 said...

yes, I do get a caffeine withdrawal headache!

no, I don't wewar a thong, but it scares me that it took six comments before someone raised the issue!

(but I did know a guy who's wife bought him one -- that's a little creepy for my tastes!)

Bill Allison said...

Caffiene is the artificial Holy Spirit.

Not that I would personally know this from experience or anything... but I've heard it said by some nameless friends of mine who are addicted to coffee.

See you at Starbucks...

Anonymous said...

i don't think anyone else wanted to know for sure about the thong issue. it is one of those times where you assume that it was a joke and are happy with not fully knowing the truth. plus there is a tact issue there as well.