Monday, March 27, 2006


Here's my question today...if you take out a Kleenex (or any other brand of facial tissue for that matter) and blow your nose with it...which garbage receptacle does it go in? The recyleables or the regular trash? I could go both ways on this one.


Anonymous said...

the regular trash!! who wants boogers in thier recycled paper!! HAHAHA!!!!

Dan Luebcke said...


Anonymous said...

I am not sure I want to live in a world where we are so concerned about recycling that we are even recycling body fluids! Yuck! Trash!

Megan D. Crow said...

definetly trash. thats disgusting to recycle it.

Anonymous said...

The fact that you could go "both ways" on this one is disturbing. Honestly Charlie, don't recycle mucus. Your nose will actually make more on its own.

swishthedish said...

definitely trash, why would you ever even think of recycling it. Some poor guy has to dig through your mucus and sputum to find the actual recycleables.

erichapman said...

i usually alternate b/c i've wrestled with that in my mind, too.

and then i found out the big yellow machine doesn't even recycle.

they just have seperate bins that say "RECYCLE" on them.

so now i don't even pay attention.

my snot just goes in the closest recepticle.

Anonymous said...

I like to flush mine down the toilet. Is there something wrong with me???????????

charlesdean2 said...

I didn't know there was such strong sentiment in regards to this issue!

1. Flushing down the toilet seems the most sanitary (if you're using t.p. -- kleenex doesn't flush well)
2. By the time said people take out the trash, snotting kleenexes have long dried.
3. Although the response has led me to toss my kleenexes into the regular trash today, I'm still committed to the environment.

Maybe...I should move to the hanky...(although that REALLY grosses me out!)

Anonymous said...

I don't know about you but most of the time I use TP as kleenex?

Chris said...

Just because I want to be different,I'm going to suggest something different altogether...

What if you didn't blow your nose into a kleenex, but instead went to the desk of the employee you want to prank the most (Eric Potter) and you "farmer blow" all over his stuff. I say that's way better than recycling!!

cynthia brown said...

trash. who recycles anything anymore? and don't use T.P. on your nose. ouch.

Anonymous said...

seriously... just toss'em inside those diapers you're adding to the landfill. no one will ever know!

(congrats, by the way! cute pics)

on the other hand... i like the idea of thowing it ALL on eric's desk.