Thursday, August 11, 2005

Session Two: Warren

Okay, here we are with Rick Warren, who apparently is using the same texts as Hybels! He's also talking about Moses, but is focusing on the idea that God asks Moses what is in his hand. Warren says that Moses' staff represents three things: his identity (shepherd), his income, and his power (shepherds use it to lead their sheep). God asks Moses to lay it down. So the central question in this session is: WHAT IS IN YOUR HAND? You may not know a lot about Rick Warren. He's the pastor of Saddleback Community Church and the author of The Purpose Driven Life, which has been the best-selling book in the U.S. for the last 3 years. (He's made some $$). As an illustration of laying down his income, Warren is telling us about 5 decisions that he and his wife have made about money. 1. To maintain the same standard of living no matter how much they make! 2. To stop taking a salary from his church. 3. To pay back his salary for the last 25 years. 4. To start 3 foundations, one of which is run by his wife to care for people with AIDS 5. To reverse tithe -- give away 90% and live on 10%. Through his church, Warren is trying to implement his PEACE plan. Click here for an explanation of this very cool strategy. By the way...Warren has a gotee now...this picture makes him look older!


Kimberly Cangelosi said...

I can't be a part of the summit this year and so I'm so lucky to have found your commentary! Thanks for taking the time!

charlesdean2 said...

Glad to know that someone is finding this beneficial! New post should be coming in the next hour or so!

Dan Luebcke said...

Dude...seriously, how many people listening can reverse the tithe! I don't know what you think, but this talk isn't for me!

charlesdean2 said...

no kidding! How many people can give back their salary!! I was talking to a friend though, and the one thing I can do however, is choose my standard of living apart from what I make. I think that's the big mistake we all make. We assume that because we make more, we should live more affluently. I couldn't help but thinking of our "hero who happens to be a professor" and what we know of his lifestyle/giving habits!

Dan Luebcke said...

Amen to our prof who is a model of connecting the head and the heart and making my education under him seem more valuable everyday I live! Love the blogs bro. Go Broncos!